Thursday, February 18, 2021

Musical/Movie Project Week 6

 This week was enjoyable, but probably no new favorites.

Musical Monday - The Last 5 Years (2014)

This wasn't bad, but I don't feel the desire to watch it again or even listen to the soundtrack.  I actually enjoyed it more than I thought I would, but it just didn't stick with me.

Tune Tuesday - Chess (2009)

The musical Chess originally opened in 1986.  I'm sure I could have listened to this original soundtrack and I even found a video of the original show, but of course, anything filmed in the 80s wasn't great quality.  Instead, I found Chess in concert filmed in 2009.  This was much more enjoyable, staring Josh Groban and Idina Menzel.  I can't help but wonder how much of the storyline was lost, but the flow of the songs made sense and were enjoyable, even if the storyline didn't speak to me.

Way Back Wednesday - Casablanca (1942)

So, this is obviously a classic, and it's been on my list to watch for a long time.  Unfortunately, I didn't enjoy it as much as I hoped.  Honestly, I think I enjoyed it more so for the classic scenes and lines I already knew.  I'm glad I've finally seen this, but the ending wasn't for me.

Throwback Thursday - Sleepless in Seattle (1993)

This was fun to see again, and even more enjoyable after recently watching An Affair to Remember since it's referenced here.  Although I enjoyed this movie, I can't help but see how odd the storyline is now that I'm an adult.  I mean, this lady literally travels across the country because she hears this guy's story on the radio.  And the fact that he accepts her without thinking she's weird once he's seen her face.  Not to mention that she's engaged all the while.  It's all a bit much really, but for some reason we all enjoy it.

Friday First - When Harry Met Sally (1989)

It's hard to believe I've never seen this movie in it's entirety.  I can honestly say that I enjoyed this movie from the beginning.  Their chemistry was fun from the start, but they did end up annoying me in their stubbornness to stay apart.  Then again, I guess it wouldn't have been much of a movie if they got together much earlier.

Seasonal Saturday - Sabrina (1995)

I had hoped to watch the 1954 version, but this one was more easily available.  I remember this movie from when I was younger, but it's so much better now.

Disney Dinner - Princess and the Frog (2009)

We had an enjoyable Disney dinner this evening celebrating both Valentine's Day and the start of Mardi Gras.  Check back to see the details of our evening.

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