Thursday, May 20, 2021

Musical/Movie Project Week 19

Musical Monday - Dreamgirls (2006)

This movie came out when I was in college.  The movie's good, but let's be honest, the soundtrack is where it's at.  Who doesn't want to belt out when this movie is on.

Tune Tuesday - Chicago (2002)

This is another one where you just can't help singing along.  I was in high school when this one came out and I drove around with this soundtrack on repeat.  I hadn't watched this in forever and I enjoyed it.  

Wayback Wednesday - A Clockwork Orange (1972)

Wow! I don't think I will ever watch this movie again.  However, I understand the appeal.  Anything that pushes the boundaries usually becomes popular, and this one definitely pushes boundaries.  In fact, I almost turned it off after the first few scenes and I admit to skipping forward at one point as well.  It did get better after those opening scenes, so I did manage to finish this one, and I'm happy I can finally say I've seen this one even if I didn't particularly enjoy it.

Throwback Thursday - Dazed and Confused (1993)

I remember watching this as a kid.  I didn't realize it was such a new movie when I saw it, but it must have been because I know exactly when I saw this one.  I was lucky enough to get to go on a ski vacation to Colorado with my cousins.  For some back story, my aunt has 5 boys and I'm the same age as the youngest.  This meant that the oldest boy was already in college when I went on this trip (when I was in 4th grade.)  I remember watching this movie with those older cousins.  I'm sure I missed a lot at that time, but considering what this movie became, I'm glad I can say that I saw this one before it was known as the one where Matthew McConaughley says "alright, alright, alright."

Friday First - Lost in Translation (2003)

So, I have to admit I didn't actually finish this one.  I stopped it for whatever reason (I'm sure something to do with one of my girls) and I honestly just couldn't get myself to hit play again.  I was so bored with the first hour of this movie.  I didn't find any of it funny and it just didn't move at all.

Seasonal Saturday - 10 Things I Hate About You (1999)

I have always liked this movie and Julia Stiles.  It was fun watching it again since I hadn't seen it in such a long time.  Honestly, it set me up wanting to watch all the high school themed movies I remember from this time.

Disney Dinner - Pinnochio (1940)

These Disney dinners still haven't made their comeback, but feel free to check out my previous post about the last time we had this themed dinner here

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