Saturday, May 15, 2021

Musical/Movie Project Week 16

 Musical Monday - Annie Get Your Gun (1950)

This was so much fun to watch.  I have always enjoyed so many of these songs, but I don't know if I had ever seen this movie before.  I'm pretty sure I watched a high school production of the show when I was a kid, but the movie was cute and Betty Hutton was great in this.

Tune Tuesday - The Secret Garden (1991)

So, I saw a community production of this when I was a kid.  My cousin worked on the set design so my whole family traveled to see the show and my cousin.  Honestly, besides remembering that I liked the show, the only detail I remember is that the bed had a secret compartment on the bottom where someone stayed on their belly the entire time to move the bed on and off the stage with their hands.  As a child, I found this hilarious.  I only listened to the soundtrack this time.  It was enjoyable but not exactly songs that are now stuck in my head or even really memorable for that matter.  I do think I would enjoy seeing this production again though if the opportunity were to arise.

Wayback Wednesday - 

So in my planning, I seemed to have a repeated this week's movie selection.  Since I've fallen so far behind and I'm playing catch-up, I decided to not fill it with anything else.

Throwback Thursday - Forrest Gump (1994)

I mean, come on, this is a classic now right?  This movie is so great the way it covers so many historic events.  Of course it's totally unrealistic that it could all happen to one guy, but what a guy for it to happen to.  It's pretty much perfect.

Friday First - The Big Lebowski (1998)

So, I understand that this is a big cult classic, but it's not my style.  I understand why it's popular.  In fact, it's a pretty impressive plot line.  However, I'm not big on these stupid humor movies full of foul language and repetitive lines.

Seasonal Saturday - Speed (1994)

This movie may have been one of the first R rated movies I watched as a kid.  I thought it was awesome back then and it didn't disappoint now 27 years later.  The perfect action movie with some great lines.

Disney Dinner - Pete's Dragon (1977)

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