Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Musical/Movie Project Week 1

 I have to admit, I've been really enjoying this project so far.  In case you've missed what I'm doing, I've planned out a movie a day, each day following a different theme.  This all started by wanting to see more musicals and spread from there.  This week I have a little extra to report on since the new year started on a Friday and I wanted to start on the first.  So, here it is.

Friday First - Mulan (2020)

I'm a little ashamed to admit that I still hadn't seen the new Disney live-action Mulan, but I was wanting to so it seemed like the perfect movie to start this project.  I really enjoyed this movie.  I had heard so many mixed reviews when it first came out, but I thought it was nicely done.  I didn't have a problem with it not being a musical and in fact I loved the little nods here and there to the original soundtrack without just singing the song.  These nods included both musical phrases in the instrumental score and lines taken from the lyrics of the original songs.  I know some people also complained that Mushu wasn't included, but I think it was better this way.  Whatever your thoughts are on it, I enjoyed it.

Seasonal Saturday - The Proposal (2009)

So, I actually didn't have anything on my schedule for this day.  My weekends are they only days I haven't fully planned out already.  As it worked out though, I had the opportunity to watch a movie this day and I thought of a winter-ish movie that I owned and decided to watch.  The Proposal.  I love this movie and it mostly takes place in Alaska so I thought it would be appropriate.

Disney Diner - The Incredibles (2004)

It only made sense to me to start the year with this movie, because we are going to have an incredible year.  Our family enjoys both the Incredible movies, but you'll have to check my Disney Diner post for the dinner details.

Musical Monday - Anything Goes (1934)

I knew my library had this, but I didn't think about it until this day.  In hind sight, I'm glad of this because I looked on YouTube and found a video from the 2011 Broadway revival.  Now, I'm torn with this, because I don't like that people do this since I know it's illegal and I fully want to support all those involved with the production of the show.  However, I'm also thankful that I get to see these shows since I don't get the opportunity to see them in person very often or at all in most cases.  With that disclaimer said, I enjoyed the show.  Although, not as much as I thought I would.  I didn't know much about this actual show.  I knew most of the music since it's such a classic show, but I didn't know the plot line at all.  To be honest, I think since I knew it to be such a classic I thought I would love it and in reality it was just okay.  I really enjoyed the music and all the dancing, but the show itself didn't leave me feeling the love of it like I thought it would.  In fact, usually I finish watching a show and I want to instantly hear the soundtrack again or at least find myself singing the songs which wasn't the case here.  I will say though, that I did end up getting the video from the library and I'm extremely glad that I didn't just watch that one.  Although I was excited to see Ethel Merman in it, I guess it was taped as a comedy hour production in 1954 so it was very abridged.  I enjoyed this after watching the other production, but I would have definitely been missing out if it was all I saw.

Tune Tuesday - Titantic (1997)

In contrast, I wasn't looking forward to this musical at all.  I was only expecting to listen to the soundtrack, but again I was able to find the show on YouTube.  I expected this show to follow the movie, but thankfully it doesn't and I ended up loving this show.  I immediately wanted to hear the soundtrack again after watching this show and in fact did just that.  I can't even explain why I loved this show so much.  I love great dance numbers in musicals and I can't say this show really had that, but it was a full ensemble show and I think that really came through in the music.  Maybe that's why I loved it, or maybe it was just the music in general.  I'm not sure, but I can say with certainty that I really enjoyed this show.

Way Back Wednesday - Doctor Zhivago (1965)

Here's another title that I feel like everyone's heard of but how many people have actually seen this movie?  In fact, I'm not sure if the title is familiar because of the movie or the book, but I know I've heard of Doctor Zhivago.  I can't say I was glued to this movie, but I did enjoy it and I understand why I found it on so many lists of best movies or best classic movies.  I'm half tempted to try to read the book now, since books are usually better than movies.  I'm a little curious to see how much more I get out of the book.  I haven't looked yet, but I'm a little intimidated as to how long the book actually is since the movie was almost 3.5 hours.  Whew, I wasn't really prepared for that.  I felt like there were parts of the movie that kind of went on and weren't really necessary but then I also felt like some parts went way to fast leaving a little left unexplained, if that even makes sense.  I guess this is why I'm intrigued to read the book, but we'll see.

Throwback Thursday - Cliffhanger (1993)

So, I found myself in a bit of a jam here.  I planned this movie without thinking about how I was going to view it.  I didn't think I would have any trouble, but it isn't streaming on any service, for free at least, and I couldn't find it at the library.  I was shocked that the library didn't have this movie.  At first I thought that maybe it was because it was rated R, but then I realized that the movie I picked for Friday was also rated R and the library had that one.  For whatever reason, they didn't have it and I was starting to worry about needing to change my schedule when I happened to check the TV listings and found it was scheduled this week.  I guess I was on target with this movie! I was able to record it and watch it on Thursday.  I remember watching this movie when I was younger and it was just as enjoyable this time around.  It is such a classic 90s action movie.

Friday First - Fargo (1996)

Well, I'm not really sure how I feel about this one.  It's not really my type of movie, but I understand why it is acclaimed the way it is.    I will say that they pulled me in just as they planned and after I finished the movie I found myself researching to see if it really was a true story.  I felt like it wasn't, but then I thought these people are so crazy, is it really a true story?  Thankfully, the video I got included the documentary "Minnesota Nice" that I was able to watch where I learned it's not a true story.

Seasonal Saturday - The Day After Tomorrow (2004)

Again, my movie choice logic is on point, because this movie was actually on TV this day.  This isn't a movie I watch often, but I did remember it from when it first came out.  I think this movie has such interesting ideas and it's a little scary to see how it plays out.  Overall, a very enjoyable and winter appropriate movie.

Disney Dinner - Frozen (2013)

It's hard to believe this movie is 7 years old already.  I feel like I cheated a bit with this one as this movie is pretty much on repeat at our house, but I knew the girls would love this Disney Diner and I thought it would be better during cold weather.  Check out my Disney Diner post if you want more details.

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