Saturday, August 21, 2021

Musical/Movie Project Week 25

 Musical Monday - Avenue Q (2003)

This has always been a strange one for me.  I always struggled with the idea of the puppets singing about the adult content.  To be honest, I had never seen this one.  Although I appreciated some of the music, I can't say I enjoyed the show itself.  I guess I'm weird since I know it was a very popular show, and surprising I did like the ending, but it still wasn't for me.

Tune Tuesday - Porgy and Bess (1935)

So, I'm pretty sure we watched this one in college.  It's been a few weeks since I watched this one again, and I still don't really remember.  I'm sure if I started watching it again it would all come back, but as it stands now, all I can remember is "Summertime."

Wayback Wednesday - Citizen Kane (1941)

I attempted to watch this one, but I'll admit it didn't get my full attention.  I'm assuming it is for this reason that I didn't appreciate this movie to the hype it has gotten.

Throwback Thursday - Camp Nowhere (1994)

Again, it's been several weeks since I watched this one.  This was the last week of watching any of these movies before I stopped writing these posts.  My notes say that I watched this one, but I don't really remember.  I guess it's another one of those 90 movies that was fun as a kid, but not so much as an adult.  Or maybe I did start it and just got caught up with something else and didn't actually watch it.  I'm not sure.

Friday First - Close Encounter of the Third Kind (1977)

I can't believe it has taken me all these years to watch this one.  I loved it.  This movie has held up well and had so many amazingly tense moments.  I was glued to it.  I did, however struggle with the way the family issues played out.  Otherwise, I thought it was great.

Seasonal Saturday -

I didn't have any Saturday movies planned during the summer, thinking I would just fill them in as the time came with movies that came up throughout the year.  I have learned though that this was a blessing as these movies have become so difficult to watch during the summer.

Disney Dinner - The Little Mermaid (1989)

I guess I'm just including these now, to remind myself of what I'm missing out on.

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